Our Mission
The Specific Purpose of the San Diego Adult Baseball League Charity4Kids (SDABLC4K) is (a) to promote school age children's engagement in sports and healthy lifestyles by providing sports equipment and related items to schools and sports organizations, (b) to promote school age children's engagement in school and academics by providing supplies and other needed items to schools, (c) to promote senior adult's engagement in sports, health, fitness, and wellness by organizing and providing access to participate in team baseball.
How We Got Started
In 1986 the San Diego Adult Baseball League (SDABL) was formed to allow players ages 18 to 70 the
opportunity to once again play the game they love and grew up with…”America’s Game” of baseball.
Over the past thirty six years the SDABL has grown to be on the largest such adult programs in the
country with over 56,000 aggregate players during that period.
Many of those players have donated used sporting equipment of all types meant for children. On a “hap
hazard” basis we strived to place those items in good and needy hands. Now after all those years we
have decided to organize such charity and get serious about giving back to the community, giving to the
kids. The San Diego Adult baseball league is still going strong as is the our new commitment to make the
Charity4Kids grow and flourish. In December of 2021 our application with the IRS was approved and a
letter approving us as a 501(c)(3) was received. Our new goals can now become realities.